The LASTIG research focuses
on Geographic Information sciences.

It covers the complete lifecycle of geospatial data from their capture to their visualisation, including modelling, integration & analysis.

The LASTIG lab
The LASTIG lab research domain is Geographic Information sciences. The research from LASTIG covers the complete lifecycle of spatial data from the capture to the visualisation, including modelling, integration and analysis of spatial data. To follow the previous research project of the lab, the LASTIG is particularly interested in spatio-temporal reference data, as IGN, the French national mapping agency is one of the supervisors of the lab.

The LASTIG lab is supervised by three administrations/universities: Gustave Eiffel University (UGE), IGN-ENSG, and the Engineering school for the city of Paris (EIVP).

The LASTIG lab is run by the direction team: Clément Mallet (director), Sidonie Christophe (co-director) and Ana-Maria Raimond (co-director).

The LASTIG lab is composed of four research teams: ACTE, GEOVIS, MEIG, STRUDEL.

The Hcéres evaluation report of LASTIG (in French) can be downloaded here.
History of LASTIG lab
The research laboratory on geographical information science from IGN changed its name to LASTIG (Laboratoire en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information Géographique) in 2015. This lab used to gather researchers from the research department of IGN, from Université Paris Est Marne la Vallée, and from ENSG Géomatique school. The lab was evaluated by AERES with the name "Service de recherche de l'IGN" in 2010 and in 2012. Finally, in 2018, the research team on geodesy, called LAREG, joined another lab, UMR IPGP, and the remaining researchers decided to create a new LASTIG lab gathering and mixing the old research teams COGIT, LOEMI, and MATIS.

Lab Head and Vice-Heads 2018-2021: Marc-Pierrot Desseilligny, Pierre-Louis Frison, Guillaume Touya.
Lab Head 2010-2018:Bénédicte Bucher.



Research teams


Job offers (PhD, post-doc, internship, permanent position)


no offer at the moment


no offer at the moment

PhD offers:

no PhD offer at the moment


no engineer position at the moment

Post-doc positions:

no PhD post-doc at the moment


ACTE team:
no internship offer in this team at the moment
MEIG team:
no internship offer in this team at the moment
no internship offer in this team at the moment
GEOVIS team:
no internship offer in this team at the moment

Permanent Members

Fixed-Term Contract Members

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73 Avenue de Paris, 94165 Saint-Mandé
6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne
80 Rue Rebeval, 75019 Paris